Harmonized requirements seen critical for streamlining mining permits


By Adrian H. Halili, Reporter

MINERS said the Environment department’s plan to streamline the mining permit process will require the National Government (NG) to work closely with local government units (LGUs) to avoid conflicting or redundant requirements.

Philippine Nickel Industry Association President Dante R. Bravo called for a “harmonized position between the local and National Governments.”

Mr. Bravo, speaking to BusinessWorld at a mining industry event on Thursday, said miners still need to conduct consultations at NG and LGU levels as a prerequisite for applying for mining permits.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is preparing an administrative order (AO) streamlining applications for mining exploration permits, mineral agreements, and financial or technical assistance agreements (FTAA).

The proposed AO will also allow the parallel processing of submissions in lieu of the old method of serial approvals.

Mr. Bravo also called for easing the process miners need to go through before obtaining signoff from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) for projects on tribal land.

Mining firms seeking to operate in areas inhabited by Indigenous Peoples (IP) are required to submit a comprehensive project profile, conducting community consultations, and demonstrate an understanding of the local culture and potential impacts on the IP community, among others.

Under the draft AO, the requirements of the NCIP will be processed in parallel with other requirements.

“When it comes to exploration permits, since we don’t have an income generating activity yet, maybe we can ask for a slightly lighter requirement, and even from the local government,” he said.

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